Today in History: March 10th 1925

Today in History: March 10th 1925


The Daily Times: New Brunswick, N.J. Tuesday March 10th 1925

Milltown’s supervising principal’s report, read to the Board of Education on Thursday night at their monthly session, indicated that the enrollment in the school during the month of February had broken all previous records with the new figure of 587. The previous high water mark was 575, established in October of the present term. The enrollment increase in February is caused by the new classes of kindergarter children that are opened in midterm. The growth of the school is causing the members of the board considerable anxiety. At their session on Thursday, they had to consider their next move in the room proposition. Professor Mensch will give the board members at their June meeting a report of conditions he sees them at that time, and a rough sketch of what will be required for the youngsters in the fall. There seems no way to dodge the issue and it will either be a case of building an annex to the present twenty-room structure, or building, as contemplated, a temporary building of portable design that can be converted into cash when they want to dispose of it. With 587 pupils on hand now, only a small graduating class going out in June, and several youngsters coming in in September, the situation for space will be acute. The present graduating class is the smallest in years and will be the smallest in years to come.

Today in History: March 9th 1924

Today in History: March 9th 1924

Milltown to Further Consider Annexation Plan

The Daily Times: New Brunswick, N.J. Sunday March 9th 1924

MILLTOWN, March 9.—The recent announcement that New Brunswick was endeavoring  to annex a portion of North Brunswick township, has aroused considerable interest among local people. A few years ago, the people of this locality at an election, voiced sentiment against the annexation of a portion of North Brunswick township. At the time, those who favored the Idea, termed it, “a sad mistake.” Today these same people if they had It to do over again it Is declared, would vole, on the affirmative side.

Milltown fought hard to annex a strip of land, known as the Vanderbilt Manor, and rightfully should have had It, but the measure was defeated when it came up for action. All of the local political leaders were in harmony with that project, and backed it solidly, which made another class of voters believe It was a frame-up.

Mayor Herbert Intimated this week, that the people living In the Vanderbilt Manor want to be Joined to the borough and have consented to work for the proposition. The Mayor believes that if Milltown doesn’t get busy right away on the project that New Brunswick will come along and get a portion that would someday be a bright spot for this town. It Is understood that officials of the North Brunswick township are ready to lend aid to Milltown In getting this strip of land, where there are now upwards of twenty homes according to figures available in the building books, several more homes will be erected in this particular section this coming summer. Taxes in the township are naturally not near so large as in the borough but the resident owners are anxious to get conveniences and will make up the difference without complaint if such can be brought about. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter is in both Milltown and the township and others are on the direct boundary, yet Milltown cannot give to these people all the conveniences that they desire, although several have been connected with the sewer, at their own expense, of course.

It Is likely that Mayor Herbert will make a strong effort to have the proposition brought up again, and he will get the solid endorsement of the council as well as all the former enthusiasts. It is expected that no trouble will be experienced to have the anti-annexation ones lined up on this occasion. No matter how one looks at it, if the project can be made possible, and this portion added to the borough. it will benefit the town, in several ways, as well as give an added revenue from taxes.