
Recent News about the Various Historic Places in MIlltown

Michelin Top Notchers” at the 1927 meeting

This Day in History: April 20th, 1921

“For its size, Milltown is the best industrial town, the best residential town, the best sporting town, the best social town, the best commercial town, and will be the cleanest town in the State of New Jersey with the cooperation of each and every citizen during Clean-up Week.”

This Day in History: November 14th, 1907

MILLTOWN, Nov. 14 – Mrs. Ralph Hanman, who has been ill at her home on Ford Avenue, is again able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Lejoye, of Main Street, are visiting friends in Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Joseph King, who has been residing in New York for some time, is visiting her father, Adam Christ,…


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