This Day in History: May 6 1914

Yellow stripe on a sewer grate

Voters Clear the Track For Greater Milltown by Balloting For Sewer and Water Systems Gratifying Results of Election

Expected to Prove a Great Boon to the Tire Town and Pave the Way to Michelin Co.’s Expansion.

MILLTOWN. May 6 – Two-thirds of the voters of the borough of Milltown turned out at the special election which was held yesterday, about 75 per cent, of whom voiced their approval of the action of the officials to proceed with the Installation of sewer and water systems in accordance with the plans and specifications of the Milltown Sewer and Water Commission, as approved by the Borough Council.

Special ballots were voted for the construction of a sewer system and the issuance of bonds therefor and the – construction of a water works and the issuance of bonds therefor, the results of which follow:

In favor of the construction of a system of sewerage in the borough of Milltown, according to resolution of council dated December 11, 1913……..192

In favor of the issue of bonds for the above, according to resolution of Council dated March 12, 1914……..183

Against the construction of a system of sewerage in the borough of Milltown……..49

Against the issue of bonds for sewer system……..46

In favor of the construction of a system of water works in the borough of Milltown, according a resolution of Council dated December 11, 1913……..188

In favor of the issue of bonds for the water works, according to a resolution of Council dated March 12, 1914……..181

Against the construction of a system of water works in the borough of Milltown, according to resolution of Council dated December 11, 1913……..47

Against the issue of bonds according to resolution of Council dated March 12, 1914……..43

There were 247 votes cast in all; of this number 16 were rejected.

After the installation of the sewers we will have not only a more attractive borough by way of conveniences, but a cleaner, healthier and up-to date borough.

While It will be necessary to bond the town for about $100,000 in order to establish the sewer and water systems as outlined by the plans and specifications, it Is believed that the same will not prove to be a heavy burden, compared with the conveniences that will be derived from the same. After the installation of the sewers we will have not only a more attractive borough by way of conveniences, but a cleaner, healthier and up-to date borough. This will also give Milltown better facilities for fire protection and have a tendency to reduce the insurance rates.

The vote cast yesterday was much heavier than had been anticipated, and a larger number turned out in favor of the plans than was looked forward to. In certain sections of the borough, where it was thought the vote would be dead against the new issue, a large proportion favored the movement.

All the Milltown voters employed in the Michelin tire factory were privileged to leave their work at 5o’clock yesterday in order to go to the polls to cast their votes.

The new systems after being installed, “It is believed, will have a direct bearing on the future plans of the Michelin Tire Company in the way of still further enlargements of their already enormous plant here, and thus Milltown will benefit in this way by bringing more people into the borough.

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