This Day in History: May 12, 1920

This Day in History: May 12, 1920


Dr. Shannon Testifies That Wealthy Milltown Man Was Not in Full Possession of Faculties When He Gave Conger Deed to Big Tract.

James M. Parsons, wealthy snuff manufacturer of Milltown, was mentally weak and not in the full possession of his faculties at the time that he gave a deed to 17 1-2 acres of land on Riva avenue, Milltown.

John H. Conger of this city, former County Clerk of Middlesex, shortly before the death of Mr. Parsons on December 28, 1918, according to the testimony given by Dr. Patrick A. Shannon of this city. before Vice Chancellor Buchanan at Trenton this morning.

The evidence was taken in an action by William Slocovitch, nephew Mr. Parsons and executor of his state, to have the deed set aside having been secured by Mr. Conger through undue Influence upon Mr. Parsons, who had been a lifelong friend and over whom he is alleged to have had a great deal of influence. The only consideration shown in the deed itself is one dollar The property is said to be worth over $5,000.

Dr. Cotton, head of the State Hospital at Trenton, was called as expert on mental ability and a number of hypothetical questions based on Dr. Shannon’s testimony were put to him, his answers indicate that Mr. Parsons might have been in such condition mentally that could easily have been influenced. An attempt is being made by the executor to upset, the transfer in order to have the property revert back to the estate. Mr. Parsons was very wealthy during his lifetime, but it is understood that he did not leave nearly so much as was expected.

The case is still on this afternoon, and further evidence in regard to Mr. Parson’s condition is to be produced Former Judge Charles T. Cowenhoven represents the complainant in the case, while Russell E. Watson. of this city,, is counsel for the defendant.

Bread Line Is Now in Vogue For Milltown

If you see a long line of automobiles driven by housewives and going towards Milltown don’t think there is a convention going on in that town It is merely a bread line.

For Milltown is selling large loaves of bread at 10 cents a loaf, while New Brunswick’s small loaves are 11 cents and the large ones 16 cents in some stores and 17 cents in others. This city will have a lot of stale bread on its hands in prices don’t came down, for Milltown will be the Mecca for town people every morning.

Milltown bread use to be higher priced but a South River baker entered into competition and prices knocked against each other until the South River man came down to the 10 cent scale, almost putting the original Milltown dealer out of business.

Now a dime buys a large loaf of the best bread in the Michelin town and New Brunswickers have gotten wise to the fact and those who possess automobiles make daily marketing trips there, while others go by trolley or bus and stock up for the day.