This Day in History: September 9th, 1912

This Day in History: September 9th, 1912


Edward Gallagher Sustains Fractured Skull and is Rushed to St. Peter’s Hospital Still in a Critical Condition.

MILLTOWN, Sept. 9.-Edward Galligan, the popular and genial clerk of the Hotel Marguerite, met with a serious injury early Sunday morning. when he fell from the upper balcony of that hotel to the pavement below, landing on his head and back

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sayre retired late Saturday night, but were awakened at 1.30 on Sunday morning by a ringing of the doorbell. It was George Lewin, who had seen the man fall and had given the warning.

Mr. Sayre quickly came out and carried Gallegan into the hotel, and & trolley car was sent to bring Dr. Forney, who arrived soon after. He advised that he be taken to the hospital and a special car took the injured clerk to St. Peter’s Hospital New Brunswick, where he is still in critical condition.

Robert St. John, a nephew of Mrs. Elmer Sayre, whose room fronts upon the balcony. Was awake when Galligan went out to take smoke before retiring. He says that the clerk took a seat upon the railing and was warned by him that he would fall although he leaned against a pillar with both arms clasped about his head and also around the pillar. He was probably very tired after a hard day’s work at the hotel and cloud of. The fall Was witnessed by St. John, who said that the body descended with a rotary motion, which probably saved him from instant death.

The many friends of the clerk wish for him A speedy recovery.


MILLTOWN, Sept. 9. The clam bake of Eureka Fire Company No. 1, held in Miller’s Grove yesterday. Was well attended and was considered a great success

The married men, ably coached by Wm. Killern, were only the victors over the single men in an interesting game of baseball.

The German Reformed Church is planning to celebrate its fortieth anniversary, which falls in the middle of October.

Mises Barbara and Lena Lins of New Brunswick, were the guests of Miss Kuhlthau, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown, of New Brunswick were Sunday guests in the borough

Miss Anna Latcher, of Brooklyn, was the guest of Miss Susie  Crabiel

Arthur Intemann, of New Brunswick, was a borough great last evening.

The French “dancing party,” held at Milltown Park on Saturday night, was well attended and proved to be a great success.

A Feed and Grain Business

With the erection of a 30 by 60 building the Kuhithau Brothers are -launching into the feed and grain business. This is not an entirely new project to them as for several years they have been carrying on & small feed business, but now they are greatly enlarging their facilities and will sell at retail and wholesale

John Christ, of South Amboy, was the rest of his parents, Mr. and Adam Christ, over Sunday. Miss Grace Farmer, of South River,  was the guest of Miss Ella Prill, over the week-end.