This Day in History: November 24th, 1920

Michelin tire Promotional Postcard 1910


MILLTOWN, Nov. 24-The first luncheon-meeting of the Milltown Chamber of Commerce was held last evening at the Michelin Cafeteria which proved to be one of the most interesting meetings ever held by this body. A feature of the gathering was the condemnation of the borough’s present “wide-open” condition.

Those present were: Frank G. Boyce, J. M. Crabiel, H. A. Christ, W. R. Evans, E. V. Emens, J. P. Herbert. Ida J. Hermann, William S. Hannah, J. H. Junker, J. Knoll. Jr., M. Kropp. John Klotzbach, C. Kuhlthau, K. Kuhlthau, W. H. Kuhlthau, C. W. Kuhlthau, Geo. Kuhlthau, Geo. Lowne, H. R. M. Meyers, Spencer Perry, C. C. Richter, C. M. Snedeker. Philip Simpson. Harold J. Schlosser, Addison Thompson. Fred Wagner, Charles Zimmerman, Mrs. Chas. Hodapp. Miss Susie Crabiel, Louis Slon. Irving Crabiel, Dr. S. F. Weston and Howard S. DeHart.

After the luncheon which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the regular meeting was indulged in, President John H. Klotzbach presiding. Clerk of the Board of Education Howard S. DeHart made the first address of the evening in presenting the business side of the Board of Education to those present, presenting the fact that the larger attendance, higher cost of textbooks, higher salaries paid teachers, etc., of today, have a great bearing on the great expense that is attached to our school today, especially calling attention that the transportation of our children which alone runs up as high as four thousand dollars in the course of a year. Mr. DeHart urged the hearty co-operation of the folks of the town to insure proper training of the children.

Dr. S. F. Weston, supervising principal of the school, was the next speaker of the evening on the Relation of School to Education, what education does toward making for a safer democracy, and also how the social and recreational education of a child tends to develop that child in the higher and better methods of life. Dr. Weston dwelt upon the opportunities afforded today to the man or woman who has been properly prepared for life by means of an education.

The fact was brought out as to following out the methods of instruction as laid down by the State and that the local school is complying with all requirements of the State body with exception of the fact that there is no domestic science department at this time. The reason being given that up to this time there has not been sufficient room, and secondly, the Board of Education did not feel financially able to put on any more expense than they were absolutely compelled o at this time.

The fact was also brought out during the discussions that while a four-room addition is being added to the present school structure it will not be many years before more room will be required. The Clerk stated in fact that if it was not for the high cost of building materials and Labor a new eight-room school would have been asked for at this time instead of only a four room addition to the present building.

The second question on the calendar-Does Milltown get a share of fish and game in comparison with the licenses issued? Many of the sportsmen present did not think Milltown did get a fair share of game and upon the suggestion of those present a committee of three was appointed to make an investigation and report back to the Chamber at the next meeting, namely: Fish and Game Committee: Charles Zimmerman, Charles Snedeker, Harold J. Schlosser. The question of can Milltown have its own electrical inspector to insure better service in Milltown was thoroughly discussed and the sentiment was that Milltown should have its own inspector.

Who knows the police signal system? This question was spoken upon by chairman of the police committee of the borough council, Harold J. Schlosser who explained that if anyone desired a policeman at any time to call the Michelin Tire Company and they would be sure to find one of the town officers there at any time during the day and any time in the evening up to 11 30 o’clock. It was pointed out that an arrangement had been made some years ago with the Telephone Company so that the telephone operator would know just what course to pursue. By mutual consent the matter was left in the hands of the borough council for their consideration.

After a discussion of the trolley service being given to Milltown at present, the following resolution was adopted, the secretary being instructed to forward a copy to the superintendent at New Brunswick and also one copy to headquarters in Newark, namely:

Whereas, the Public Service Railway Company has recently placed in operation cars between Milltown and New Brunswick on a fifteen minute schedule.

“Resolved, that the Chamber of Commerce voice its approval of this progressive step, and that we extend our thanks to the Railway Company, and sincerely trust that this arrangement may continue in effect permanently to the mutual advantage of the Railway Company and the people of our community.

“Resolved further that it would also be very much appreciated if the “Milltown only cars” could be run as far as Heinz’ Switch so-as to give South Milltown residents service equal to that of North Milltown residents.

“Resolved further, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the General Manager of the Public Service Railway Company at Newark and a copy to the local superintendent at New Brunswick.”

Would a retail merchants association be of interest to Milltown business men was discussed favorably and the following committee was appointed to make investigation and report at the next meeting with the view of getting such an organization underway: Retail Merchants Committee: C. W. Kuhithau, F. G. Boyce, H. A. Christ.

Harry R. B. Meyers, ex-president of the Chamber of Commerce came out forcibly on the question of law and order, pointing out the amount of drunkenness in Milltown, the bold and open sales of liquor, the playing of poker, shooting of craps and the like. It was pointed out that there: is no time like the present for a general cleaning up in this respect and upon motion, the secretary was authorized to communicate to the Borough Council that the subject of law enforcement was thoroughly discussed at this meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and ask that the Council give the matter their very careful consideration.

Harold J. Schlosser, chairman of the police committee, was given an opportunity to express himself. He stated that there were violations of the law going on and only recently a crap game was raided but for some reason or other there was no publicity given the matter.

It was pointed out that a general. clean-up that would keep the town boys out of questionable games and pastimes would not only be in the town’s interest but in the interest of the boys themselves as far as their economic advancement is concerned.

It was also pointed out during the discussion that any organization that would permit gambling in its rooms. was not only a disgrace to the organization but to the town as well.

An editorial from one of the country newspapers setting forth a plan to gain information as to the attractiveness of a town by sending out a questionnaire to each member asking what induced them to come to the town in which they live was read by the secretary for future information of the Chamber.

Charles E. Denhard and Louis Sion were admitted into membership of the Chamber.

The Civic Department of the Chamber of Commerce reported that the Hallowe’en celebration was the most successful affair of its kind ever held in this section. The financial report of the celebration was as follows:

Amount of Collections

John Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00

Alfred Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00

Dr. Forney. . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  . .$5.00

C. W. Kuhlthau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00

Buster Brown Shoe Store. . . . . . . . . $5.00

Hugo Laufer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00

Mrs. McGaughey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00

Mrs. L. J. Hermann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1:00

Frank Hodapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00

Frank Hodapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00

H. A. Christ Co…….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00


Music for dancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32.00

Hall decorations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.49

Red lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.80

Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $82.29

The $50.00 collected having been used for payment of bills as indicated above, the following were or- dered paid out of the funds of the Chamber of Commerce to make up the deficit, namely:

J. M. Crablel, advances…. .$22.00

Estate C. Hodapp . . . . $4.80

Mae E. Kuhlthau, sundries… . . $5.49

Total . . . . . . . . . . .$32.29

General expenses were ordered paid

as follows:

C. Jensen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $4.00

J. H. Junker, secretary, stamps

envelopes and post cards . . . . . . . $2.03

The following resolution was adopted:

“Whereas the Chamber of Commerce of the Borough of Milltown in regular session assembled at the Michelin Cafeteria are fully aware of the educational, recreational and social advantages that the Michelin Community House affords to the Borough of Hilltown, be it and it is hereby

“Resolved that a vote of thanks by the Chamber of Commerce be ex-tended to the Michelin Tire Company for their untiring efforts to make Milltown not only an attractive place to live but to work as well. “Resolved further that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Michelin Tire Company and that a copy be spread upon the minutes of this organization.”

Church Notices.

Tomorrow morning at the Re- formed Church John Schmidt will occupy the pulpit at 10:20 in a special Thanksgiving service. A special collection for the Middlesex Hospital of New Brunswick will be taken. All are cordially invited to attend.

Tonight will be Women’s Home Missionary night at the St. James Church, New Brunswick, and all local members are urged to attend the meeting.

The Women’s Republican meeting scheduled for tomorrow night has been postponed by the president, Mrs. Kuhlthau, and will be held next week. All members are asked to please vote.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Crablel have returned from their wedding trip spent in the New England States.

Friday, December 10, has been set aside by the Reformed Church Ladies’ Aid Society for their annual Christmas sale in Fed Men’s hall.

The bazaar or fair now in progress by the local Catholic mission will close tonight and it will be the last chance to get some real Christmas gifts at real bargains. Dancing will

also be enjoyed. A large crowd was on hand last night.


For the first time, Douglas Fairbanks will appear on the screen in Milltown tomorrow night when the Michelin Community House opens for the screen stars to entertain local people. A big crowd is expected to see the opening show in the borough. For the attraction here in the afternoon see the sporting page.

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