This Day in History: March 28, 1920

This Day in History: March 28, 1920


MILLTOWN, Mar. 28-The recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce brought out many new ideas for the betterment of the community that if successfully undertaken and worked out will place this town on a higher plane along the industrial building and business lines than it has ever been before.

Expanding of the borough has met quite a snag from a number of tax-payers who are apparently being misled in their views along this line but that has not hampered the Commerce men’s progressiveness. The matter of improving the road between Milltown and South River was thoroughly discussed and after a lengthy talk on the matter, the secretary was authorized to communicate with the Chamber of Commerce of South River and East Brunswick township in an endeavor to arrange for a joint meeting and discuss the subject after which they will take it up with the State Highway Commission. The explanation of the advantages that may be obtained by Milltown showed that all would benefit thereby, especially the business places and the local industries. The road at the present time is in, wretched condition and traffic as far as business vehicles are concerned is almost completely cut off as the Weston Mills road is used generally from New Brunswick to South River. Hence the local business places are deprived of the opportunity to get in touch with the big wholesale concerns. It was also shown where the industries would be benefited if a good road was laid. The recent winter was cited when trolleys were blocked and South River people had to go to New Brunswick by bus. thence to Milltown to their daily work by car, whereas if a good substantial road was there busses could successfully run over the hard bottom.

A Weekly Paper.

The issuance of a weekly paper was a topic for unusual debate and all the members seemed unanimous on the idea as the “Spokesman” of South River has made quite a hit with the downriver people. The secretary was instructed to get in touch with Mr. Christie of New Brunswick and have him give a talk on the idea at the next meeting.

Too Much Speed.

Excessive speeding of vehicles passing through the town was also inquired into and the commerce men will take the matter up with the borough council in an endeavor to reduce the unnecessary speeding as some have been taking advantage of “no law” and dangerous spots of the borough especially where the school is located has never been considered. by the fast autoist.

Church Notices.

A special Palm Sunday service will be held Sunday in the Reformed Church at 10:30 A. M., when Rev. W. F. Barny will confirm a large preparatory class. Special decorations and special music will feature the service. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. and evening service at 7:30. Rev. Father Maher will conduct holy man with a special service at the Catholic Mission at 9 A. M..

At the Methodist Church Rev. W C. Mealing and wife, noted Pennsylvania evangelists, will open a three- weeks campaign. Morning service at 10:30 A. M., Sunday school at 2 P.M.. Epworth League at 7 P. M. and preaching by the Evangelist at 7:30 P. M. A chorus choir of thirty-five voices will sing.

School Election..

Interest next Tuesday night centers on the public school election.. The voters will vote on two very important subjects, the first: a four-room addition to the present school to meet the present needs of the community. Second: the purchasing of the four and a half acres of ground in the rear of the school.

The new addition will cost in the neighborhood of $55,000, while the land will cost the school an even ten thousand.

Some taxpayers cannot see the Ideas of the Board of Education in desiring this large strip of land and for that reason will vote against it. but the Perent-Teacher Association may offset the opposition vote as they are strong for the purchase for they have already laid plans for a recreational center. Sentiment favors a school in South Milltown. hence the four-room addition will be bitterly attacked especially by residents of South Milltown. The polls will open at eight o’clock.

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