This Day in History: August 26th, 1907

This Day in History: August 26th, 1907


The manufacture of the Michelin automobile tire tubes was begun at the Michelin Tire factory at Milltown, today. The company is making great progress with its buildings
M. Joseph Tansey, of the Michelin Company, left last week with J. C Matlack, for France. Messrs. Matlack and Tansey are expected back the second week in September. The trip is a business one.


The borough of Milltown is not going to be behind the times. Now that South River has voted upon having a borough hall and there is much talk of the Second Reformed Church In this city, being converted Into a city hall, the members of the Milltown Board of Education have transferred to the Borough Council the South Milltown school house to be used as a borough hall. While the new school will not be ready until the first of the year, the building will be used as a school up until that time, after which it will be turned into a borough hall and meeting place for the various borough committees.

This Day in History: August 14th, 1908

This Day in History: August 14th, 1908


The regular monthly meeting of the Miltown Borough Council was held last evening, and the regular routine business ensued. An ordinance was introduced for the establishment of a grade on New and Riva avenues, and Church street. It was also decided to convert the vacated school house on Main street Into a Borough Hall, so that Milltown won’t be so far behind her sister borough. South River, after all.

The Public Service Railway Co. Is to make repairs to the streets in the borough under the direction of the borough street commissioner. With the payment of a few bills, council adjourned.

This Day in History: August 3rd, 1911

This Day in History: August 3rd, 1911


Will Be Exhibited at Fireman’s Picnic on August 5

MILLTOWN. Aug. 3. At 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon the new fire apparatus recently purchased by the borough from Boyd Brothers, of Philadelphia, for $4,100 arrived in the borough. On the truck was a chauffeur and representative of the firm and Mayor Conrad Richter, who, being anxious for fire protection in the borough, did much in bringing about the purchase of the truck.

The apparatus certainly made a fine appearance as it came through the borough yesterday. The body of the truck is red with yellow trimmings and on the front in large letters is the name of Milltown’s first fire company. On the truck are two chemical tanks, several feet of hose, extension ladders and hooks, which make a complete outfit.

The truck is propelled by motor power and is capable of making from 20 to 25 miles an hour. The body is set upon an autocar chassis. It is equipped with solid rubber tires.

The apparatus will be on exhibition on Saturday, August 5, when the firemen will hold their first grand picnic at Milltown Park. The day promises to be one of the greatest days of celebration in the history of the borough. The dancing will begin at the park at 3 p. m. and will continue until midnight. At 7 p. m. the officials of the borough. In automobiles, and the firemen will form a parade, preceded by the Milltown Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps. The line of march has not as yet been determined, but will include the principal streets of the borough.

But this- – pageant is not all. After dark there will be a grand display of fireworks at the park, which will attract many.

Saturday will be almost a holiday in the borough. It is thought that business places will close in the early afternoon in honor of the firemen. Houses will be gayly decorated with flags and bunting.

Complimentary tickets have been sent to the fire companies of New Brunswick and a record-breaking crowd is expected.

This day in History: March 5, 1924

This day in History: March 5, 1924


Old Man Weisskraks, who can always be depended upon to supply the latest gossip, supplemented by a few original comments whenever and wherever he can corner someone willing to listen to his prattle, was the victim of circumstances, last night, and will spend considerable time and energy in telling the world about it for the next few days to come.

It seems that the Old Boy Himself met with an accident yesterday that will not happen again, by gosh, if he can help it. No Unfortunately, while trying to extract a “chaw” of cut plug which he had saved for his after-dinner session at slim-Chances cut-rate  General Store, the Old Boy Himself dropped and smashed beyond any hope of future usefulness, the gold-rim- spectacles that were, figuratively, the apple of his both eyes. That in itself was a catastrophe. But, according to the old aphorism, (which by the way is a favorite, with the Old Boy) “It never rains but it pours.” the loss of his “specs” while bad enough, was only incidental: merely contributing to the general run of hard luck which followed quickly in It’s wake.

The Old Boy, it seems, is lost without his glasses. Lost, at least so far as reading the news is concerned. And reading the news is the one thing that “he Is fondest of.” Without his glasses, the Old Boy had to forego his daily session with the Daily Home News, and therefore could not really be blamed for what happened. Had he read the news in last night s paper he would have been saved considerable energy— about an hour’s.

Had he read the news he would have known that Milltown had installed a new fire siren, and had decided to give it a trial. Last night was the time set for the trial.

However, the Old Boy was completely unaware of the plans and not being able to read he decided to retire earlier than usual. Thus at 7 p. m. last night he was just about ready for bed, was. in fact, just about to turn out the light and crawl between the sheets, when, suddenly he stopped. Could It be? Had he heard aright? He stood motionless and listened. Yes there it was again. No doubt about it this time. That was the fire siren, all right. The Old Boy had no choice. There was only one thing for him to do. As a Public-Spirited-Citizen, it was his duty to at least, witness the event so that his voice might not be found wanting when the event was discussed, as it surely would be on the following day.

Hastily getting into his clothes he dashed from the house and started in the general direction of Fire Headquarters. No doubt the apparatus was well on it’s way by this time but he could learn the location of the fire and probably reach there before it was all over.

Arriving at the Fire House, breathless, and eager, he was dumb founded see all the department apparatus, still on the floor and a general appearance of ease and contentment everywhere in evidence. Evidently they had not heard the siren, thought the Old Boy, but, by ginger, he’d tell ’em. This he proceeded to do, punctuating his loud exclamations with frantically waving arms! Well. After the general laughter laid subsided and someone had mercifully told him alt about it, he sheepishly, and with a sorry attempt at his usual proud gait, started hack home murmuring sweet nothings, as he thought, of the morrow and the razzing that was in store for him.